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Major US banks aim to keep shareholders happy amid crisis

NEW YORK American taxpayers bailed out the major banks during the 2008 global financial crisis that they helped create. But more than a decade later, amid an unprecedented economic shock, those firms now say they are strong enough to continue paying....

China: Improving Rural Migrants’ Employment Prospects through Skills Development

In 2006, there were over 130 million rural migrant workers in China. An estimated one in five rural workers was a migrant worker, and nearly one-half of the rural population had one or more family members being migrant workers. Migrant labor likely a....

Better crops with better irrigation: Boosting Agricultural Performance in the Peruvian Sierra

Challenge Although Peru had one of the best economic growth rates in Latin America, poverty in the Sierra was far above national averages, and considerably higher in rural areas, posing a challenge for the country’s economic sustainability. The 20....